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Love United Iredell and Driven to Make a Difference Fund Racer

Posted Date: 3/18/25 (8:50 PM)

The United Way of Iredell County is an amazing partner with the Mooresville Graded School District and works tirelessly to make a real difference in our community. One such way they make a difference is through their Love United Iredell campaign.  Love United Iredell is an annual initiative dedicated to strengthening the community by fully funding impactful projects proposed by local non-profits. Focused on Health, Education, and Financial Stability in Iredell County, the program supports small, high-impact initiatives that make a difference.  This year, 14 local non-profits were selected due to their worthy projects that directly help our community. Please visit the Love United Iredell site at to learn more about this work, as well as make a small donation if you are able.  Make sure to select Mooresville Graded School District in the “I heard about this program from…” drop-down to let them know you are part of our proud Mooresville Graded Community!

In addition, there is a fun event planned on March 27. The Driven to Make a Difference Fund Racer event will take place at the Trackhouse Motorplex in Mooresville and will be the culminating event for the Love United Iredell campaign. Please see the flyer below for all of the details! Thank you for your consideration for these great causes right here in our Mooresville community! #UnitedWayIredell #LoveUnited #CultureOfRelationships #Empowerment #WeAreMOORESVILLE💙